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1 Lidane  Mon, Jan 23, 2012 3:32:26pm

Too bad for David Frum that the Republicans are totally incapable of offering any sort of "new way forward". All of their current candidates are utter failures, from Santorum and Paul being completely bugfuck insane to Newt being an asshole with more negatives than not, and Romney, who the GOP base hates on principle.

What then, is the alternative?

2 aagcobb  Mon, Jan 23, 2012 4:00:40pm

Frankly, providing an income to people ill equipped to function in the labor market isn't a bad thing; they'll spend that money, which has a stimulative effect on the economy, providing jobs to more able-bodied, younger people. Plenty of federal employees with money to spend isn't bad either. Frum is suffering from the notion that there is a fixed pie, and an increase in the government slice means a smaller slice for the private sector, when in fact the government sector can help the private sector grow, so there is more pie for everyone.

3 shutdown  Mon, Jan 23, 2012 4:04:04pm

re: #1 Lidane

Agreed. The real trouble being fomented by the radicalization of the GOP is that rational and constructive criticism of the President is becoming impossible to find and difficult to generate. Anyone brave enough to develop intelligent, fact based critiques of BHO's policies and politics is immediately marginalized by the GOP as a RINO; the only voices being actively promoted from within the Republican party are batshit crazy. And criticism from within the Democratic party is hard to find, as the Dems start to huddle and present a united front to the Tea Party caucus heavies. Who suffers?

We, the People.

4  Mon, Jan 23, 2012 4:47:52pm

re: #3 imp_62

Agreed. The real trouble being fomented by the radicalization of the GOP is that rational and constructive criticism of the President is becoming impossible to find and difficult to generate. Anyone brave enough to develop intelligent, fact based critiques of BHO's policies and politics is immediately marginalized by the GOP as a RINO; the only voices being actively promoted from within the Republican party are batshit crazy. And criticism from within the Democratic party is hard to find, as the Dems start to huddle and present a united front to the Tea Party caucus heavies. Who suffers?

We, the People.

Spot. On.

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